Elisha Gray II Professor, 
Engineering Systems, MIT
MIT Civil and Environmental Engineering
MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics
Professor Yossi Sheffi


Magic Con Belt Flat Cover Image

Latest Book

THE MAGIC CONVEYOR BELT: Supply Chains, A.I. and the Future of Work

The latest book by MIT Professor Yossi Sheffi on global supply chains is an exploration of one of the most critical and complex systems of our modern economy. In The Magic Conveyor Belt, Professor Sheffi examines how supply chains have been affected by the societal and economic shocks of the early 2020s, demystifying their murky depths, twists, and turns. He also illustrates how supply chains actually worked well during the pandemic, why technology alone is not enough (despite being the key to sustainability), and how human and A.I. collaboration is the future.


Latest Blog

The Multi-Faceted Threat of Single-Point Failures

Every so often, a headline-grabbing incident delivers a sharp reminder of an overlooked vulnerability that needs addressing. Such incidents often originate from a single point of failure, where the failure of one part of a system leads to a breakdown of the entire system.


Yossi SHeffi on ABC Boston


Baltimore bridge collapse could have ‘profound effect' on supply chain

Professor Yossi Sheffi goes on live TV to discuss the deadly collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge, hit Tuesday March 26 by a container ship, could have major economic consequences. 

Yossi Speaking
Upcoming Appearances

AI and the Future of Supply Chain

Event Start
October 01, 2024

New York City, NY

Keynote Speech

Event Start
October 14, 2024

Loughborough, United Kingdom