News - Interviews


DC Velocity
Edition and Date

July 1, 2021

Some measure success by salaries and titles. Others use a different yardstick altogether. Take the eight professionals selected as our 2021 Rainmakers, for example. When asked about their proudest professional accomplishments, their answers ranged from the satisfaction of building teams whose members “do amazing things every day” to mentoring younger colleagues and seeing them go on to greater glory.

Edition and Date

June 10. 2021

Yossi Sheffi, a professor at MIT and an expert with deep knowledge of America's supply chain, talks to Newsy about the ongoing supply shortages, and why building new infrastructure right now could make it much worse.

CNN Politics
Edition and Date

April 11, 2021

There have been numerous stories in recent days about problems with the supply chain as the economy starts back up after last year's unprecedented shutdowns. Everything is connected and a hiccup here or there can cause delays and price increases for you and me.

Edition and Date

April 1, 2021

This article is Meri Stevens, Worldwide Vice President of Supply Chain, Consumer Health and Deliver at Johnson & Johnson speaking with MIT CTL Director Prof. Yossi Sheffi on Mar. 17, 2021. Read how a global manufacturer has learned some vital lessons about managing uncertainty and planning for the future.

MIT Sloan School of Management
Edition and Date

March 23, 2021

COVID-19 didn’t break the supply chain, it simply accelerated changes already underway, says MIT’s Yossi Sheffi. His new book details what’s coming next.

Today's Machining World
Edition and Date

January 7, 2021

In the interview, Sheffi explains how companies and governments around the world have dealt with the supply chain disruption over the past year’s pandemic. He also gives insight on how people can prepare for the next time the world’s supply chain is turned on its head. 

Available as a blog here

Edition and Date

January 4, 2021

According to Professor Yossi Sheffi, supply chain is typically the “asphalt of the road” —that is, when it works, there’s no need to talk about it. When it doesn't, everyone notices it. 

Supply Chain Frontiers
Edition and Date

December 15, 2020

In this conversation, you will learn how two companies use these lessons to set themselves up for the post-pandemic future in the B2B and B2C markets.

Supply Chain Matters
Edition and Date

December 15, 2020

Yossi discusses his principal goals and motivations for writing this latest book that resulted in record turnaround time. We discuss the before and after COVID-19 aspects of industry supply chains, why certain approaches were successful in terms of business process practices, innovation and resourcefulness of supply chain management teams, as well as leveraged use of technology.

DC Velocity
Edition and Date

December 15, 2020

It's been nearly 10 months since Covid-19 slammed into the global economy like a wrecking ball. And while businesses have learned to manage, many will endure lasting effects that may take years to resolve. In the meantime, all of us—businesses and consumers alike—are yearning for things to get back to normal. But what does that even mean? Is it possible that we may someday return to some semblance of our old lives? Or will we enter a "new normal"? And if so, what will that look like?