Past Appearances


Event Start
May 03, 2021
POMS Conference 2021

Virtual Event

A presentation on this paper will be given during the annual POMS conference. The paper will be presented by one of the authors, and is written by Angela Acocella, Chris Caplice, and Yossi Sheffi. 

Event Start
May 03, 2021
POMS Conference

A presentation with Jonas Lehmann at the annual POMS conference. The paper will be presented by one of the authors, and is written by Jonas Lehmann and Yossi Sheffi. 

Event Start
April 22, 2021
BCG Australia Conversations Series

Virtual Event

Event Start
April 21, 2021
Missouri Center for Transportation Innovation (MCTI)


Between the middle of March 2020 and the end of July, Professor Sheffi wrote, rewrote and then wrote again a book about the pandemic. The book, The New (Ab)Normal: Reshaping Business and Supply Chain Strategy Beyond COVID-19 (October 1, 2020), maps how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted business, supply chains and society. He exposes the critical role supply chains play in helping people, governments and companies to manage the crisis. The book draws on executive interviews, pandemic media coverage and historical analyses. 

Event Start
April 12, 2021

Virtual Lecture

This is a classroom lecture on the following chapters of The New (Ab)Normal: Reshaping Business and Supply Chain Strategy Beyond Covid-19

  • Ch. 5 Whack-a-Mole Recovery, Ch. 6 Managing for Ongoing Disruptions, Ch. 7 Managing for Whack-a-Mole Supply, Ch. 8 Managing for Whack-a-Mole Demand

Event Start
April 08, 2021
The Economist Group

Virtual Roundtable

Private Event

Event Start
March 26, 2021
MIT Mobility Initiative
Event Start
March 21, 2021
Latin America SCALE Conference

VIrtual Event

The MIT Latin American SCALE Network is an alliance of leading-edge research, education, and outreach organizations dedicated to the development and dissemination of innovative supply chain and logistics research in Latin America. Director of the MIT CTL Professor Yossi Sheffi will be giving the attendees a presentation at the beginning of the conference this year. 

Event Start
March 19, 2021
MIT Mobility Initiative

Virtual Speaker Series

Between the middle of March 2020 and the end of July, Professor Sheffi wrote, rewrote and then wrote again a book about the pandemic. The book, The New (Ab)Normal: Reshaping Business and Supply Chain Strategy Beyond Covid-19 (October 1, 2020) maps how the Covid-19 pandemic impacted business, supply chains, and society. He exposes the critical role supply chains play in helping people, governments, and companies to manage the crisis.

Event Start
March 17, 2021

Virtual Event

Meri Stevens is the Worldwide Vice President Supply Chain – Consumer Health and Deliver at Johnson & Johnson. She will speak with Professor Yossi Sheffi about resilience, supply chain functions, and business management as related to the covid response and vaccine rollout. Learn about what it means to lead during uncertain times. This event is hosted by the MIT Global SCALE Network and is open to the public. Registration is required.

Registration here