Trade and Media Publications


Published Date
August 01, 2016
Inside Supply Management Magazine

Low-spend items may be a lesser priority for suppliers, yet critical components for the companies buying them. 

Published Date
July 08, 2016
MIT Sloan Management Review

Not keeping all of your eggs in one supply basket is an appealing strategy to increase supply chain resilience. But it’s not always effective.

Published Date
February 06, 2016
BFM Malaysia

The interconnectedness of the global economy today means that unexpected events in one corner of the globe can ripple through the world’s supply chain and affect customers and businesses everywhere. Prof. Sheffi explains why modern vulnerabilities call for innovative processes and tools for creating and embedding corporate resilience and risk management.

Published Date
January 23, 2016
Supply Chain Management Review

The controversy over reshoring has flared up again thanks largely to some research published by the managing consulting firm A. T. Kearney in December 2015.

Publication Date
December 16, 2015
Supply Chain Quarterly

Dr. Yossi Sheffi, a professor at MIT, said that companies have made great strides in improving the resiliency of their business, but that they still have a long way to go, especially in the area of cyber-security.

Published Date
November 17, 2015

The open border policy in some European countries is looking more and more vulnerable. The Schengen Agreement, as it’s called, is facing harsh criticism from the right in Europe following the recent Paris attacks. What to do about Schengen is on the agenda for an emergency European Union summit on Friday. 

With all the calls to dump the open border policy, multinational firms, in particular, could be vulnerable. Yossi Sheffi, a transportation logistic expert at MIT said they may have to bring back some old strategies.

Published Date
October 28, 2015
Wall Street Journal

When safeguarding their supply chains against disruptions, companies commonly assign the highest priority to events that happen relatively often and hit hard. Focusing on those with the highest likelihood and the greatest potential impact certainly seems like a logical approach to risk management.

Except that these are not the worst perils that companies face.

Published Date
September 09, 2015
Harvard Business Review

For the last two months, global supply chains have been experiencing the first stage of a bullwhip effect triggered by uncertainties about the severity of China’s economic slowdown. While the contractions in business activity along global supply chains will cause companies to cut capital investments and inventories, we should remember that this is only the first leg of the phenomenon.

Published Date
November 27, 2014
WR Radio in Bogota

Interview with WR Radio in Bogota on the feasibility on a new subway system in Bogota and infrastructure investments climate in Colombia.

Published Date
November 27, 2012

Yossi Sheffi, who directs MIT's Center for Transportation and Logistics and just published a book, "Logistics Clusters: Delivering Value and Driving Growth," counters that utilizing temps isn’t the secret sauce that allows Walmart to operate so cheaply. He says the key to Walmart’s low prices is extreme flexibility to adjust the labor force to match market demand.