

The Rebound Podcast
Edition and Date

July 25, 2023

Listen in as Yossi Sheffi discusses his new book, The Magic Conveyor Belt, and the state of supply chain management. On this episode of The Rebound, MIT professor and author Yossi Sheffi talks about his latest book and what supply chain leaders learned from the pandemic that’s making supply chains better than ever. ASCM ( CEO Abe Eshkenazi and SCMR Editor Bob Trebilcock host.

Marketplace Tech
Edition and Date

July 17, 2023

Many industries are implementing various forms of generative artificial intelligence in the workplace. Experts differ on whether the technology will cause mass unemployment.

Reposted here. 

The Freightvine Podcast
Edition and Date

July 13, 2023

This week’s guest is Professor Yossi Sheffi, Director of MIT’s Center for Transportation & Logistics and author of the recent book, The Magic Conveyor Belt: Supply Chains, AI, and the Future of Work. Written mainly in response to the general public’s newly awakened awareness of and interest in supply chains during the pandemic, the book explains in great clarity how supply chains work, why they are complex, and where the challenges are.

Supply Chain Now
Edition and Date

July 10, 2023

Supply chains have faced several challenges over the last few years, and there is no end in sight. They have overcome the danger of food shortages and PPE scarcity and are now bracing for the impact of driverless vehicles and omnipresent AI. There is never a dull moment when you work in supply chain. professor Sheffi gets an interview from Supply Chain Now podcast hosts. 

Alcott Global
Edition and Date

July 4, 2023

Professor Sheffi has shared his knowledge through his books, including his latest, “The Magic Conveyor Belt: Supply Chains, A.I., and the Future of Work.” He has been one of the leaders in the field at educating and sharing with the general public the wonders of supply chain logistics. Listen into this interview between Sheffi and host, Radu Palamariu. 

Previously hosted on LinkedIn Live. 

Mish Talk
Edition and Date

July 2, 2023

AI is automating knowledge work, and the implications for the half of the U.S. workforce who are employed in such jobs are profound. It’s true that these white-collar jobs have been evolving for decades as technology has improved, but the elimination of middle-skilled jobs seems set to accelerate as AI is institutionalized in the workplace.

The Wall Street Journal
Edition and Date

June 30, 2023

Artificial-intelligence software is eating the software industry, as companies turn to generative AI tools to save money on programmers. It’s a sign of what’s to come for many white-collar workers.

Supply Chain Matters
Edition and Date

June 27, 2023

In this episode, Professor Sheffi shares highlights and research from his latest book: The Magic Conveyor Belt, Supply Chains, A.I. and the Future of Work. Our podcast discussion focuses on the key challenges and opportunities provided to industry supply chain teams in the current fourth industrialization context of the book, along with the future of supply chains and the people who run them. Further explored are future notions of descriptive and normative applications software and how they impact current and future supply chain focused decision-making.

Vision Spectra Magazine
Edition and Date

June 24, 2023

In advance of Professor Yossi Sheffi's keynote address for the Vision Spectra Conference, editor-in-chief Michael Wheeler sat down with Sheffi for an exclusive interview.

Supply Chain Brain
Edition and Date

June 23, 2023

Professor Yossi Sheffi appears on the Supply Chain Brain podcast. Is artificial intelligence the technology that will finally make humans obsolete?

Every technological innovation throughout history has been accompanied by doomsayers who predict that it will eliminate the need for human labor. Artificial intelligence (and its most recent manifestation, ChatGPT) is no exception. Will this powerful tool finally fulfill a vision of machines taking over our work — specifically, in the area of supply chain management?