Supply Chain Strategy

The Freightvine Podcast
Edition and Date

July 13, 2023

This week’s guest is Professor Yossi Sheffi, Director of MIT’s Center for Transportation & Logistics and author of the recent book, The Magic Conveyor Belt: Supply Chains, AI, and the Future of Work. Written mainly in response to the general public’s newly awakened awareness of and interest in supply chains during the pandemic, the book explains in great clarity how supply chains work, why they are complex, and where the challenges are.

Published Date
July 10, 2023
ISSUU - Breakbulk Magazine

Fears that AI-driven tech will replace humans in countless jobs are well-founded. This is especially the case in industries such as breakbulk cargo logistics, which are relatively labor intensive. 

The Wall Street Journal
Edition and Date

June 30, 2023

Artificial-intelligence software is eating the software industry, as companies turn to generative AI tools to save money on programmers. It’s a sign of what’s to come for many white-collar workers.

Published Date
June 15, 2023

Dr. Yossi Sheffi of MIT shares how AI is reshaping the workplace and uncover strategies to adapt and thrive in an evolving job market. Learn how emerging technologies support remote work, create new opportunities, and augment human capabilities.

Crunchbase News
Edition and Date

June 14, 2023

As of March, U.S.-based jobs on LinkedIn that mentioned GPT increased nearly 80% year over year. And, according to Crunchbase data, startups focused on AI are quickly joining The Crunchbase Unicorn Board as funding to the category speeds up.

The Washington Outsider Report
Edition and Date

June 6, 2023

Professor Yossi Sheffi joins Irina Tsuckerman for a discussion about his latest book, The Magic Conveyor Belt: Supply Chain, A.I., and the Future of Work. 

Edition and Date

June 5, 2023

Dr. Yossi Sheffi, an expert in global supply chains, emphasizes the importance of total transformation of the industry to leverage AI and its potential to analyze vast amounts of data, stating that “even with current available AI tools, it’s hard to see past that third degree of relationships between supply chains.” 

Retail Touch Points
Edition and Date

June 5, 2023

MIT Professor Yossi Sheffi is quoted reassuring folks of a positive future with AI. It seems that for every gloomy forecast about AI in the workforce, there's a brighter outlook.

Edition and Date

June 5, 2023

You've undoubtedly seen the dire predictions about how artificial intelligence will wreak havoc on the workforce. Most notably, investment bank Goldman Sachs predicts ChatGPT and similar forms of AI could trigger the loss of 300 million jobs around the world. But it seems that for every gloomy forecast about AI in the workforce, there's a brighter outlook. 

Published Date
June 01, 2023
Built In

The AI-based industrial revolution will be different from previous ones in several key ways, but that doesn’t mean it will displace the human workforce. Our expert explains why — and how we can prepare now.