Supply Chain Environmental Sustainability

The Hill
Edition and Date

March 8, 2023

Professor Yossi Sheffi contributes to The Hill. Consumers consistently tell pollsters that they care about the environment. In fact, according to a 2022 report, 66 percent of them said that they are willing to pay more for sustainable products. Prior to the current inflationary trend, other studies reported an even higher proportion. Most corporate managers, however, know that the reality is very different.

Also Published in MIT News

Enterra Solutions
Edition and Date

March 17, 2022

Environmental sustainability in the supply chain is top of mind for consumers, and a brand that fails to hold itself responsible risks reputational damage that will affect the bottom line... It’s easy to criticize a company that isn’t making environmentally-conscience business decisions, but it’s also unconscionable for a company to make a decision against the best wishes of its stakeholders.

One Earth Voices
Edition and Date

July 24, 2020

Governments and corporations have an opportunity to lead the transition toward sustainable consumption and production by shifting their purchasing power toward environmentally responsible supply networks. But this will require reliable information on complex global supply networks. What information and decision-support tools do governments and corporations need to galvanize this transition?

Published Date
August 23, 2019
The Conversation

At least the hotel chain (Intercontinental Hotels) is responding to consumers’ professed increasing support for green products and services, right?

Some studies find that more than 80% of consumers say they will make personal sacrifices to address social and environmental issues. However, when actually buying goods, consumer support for environmental products largely evaporates.

Published Date
August 01, 2019

Quarterly July-September 2019 Issue pages 30-33

Supply Chain Brain
Edition and Date

December 14, 2018

MIT Professor Yossi Sheffi discusses his new book, "When to Embrace Sustainability in a Business — and When Not To." The question at issue: When is sustainability an investment? And when is it a cost?

Published Date
August 21, 2018
The Wall Street Journal

More companies are banning straws to burnish their environmental credentials. MIT’s Yossi Sheffi writes the impact of such measures is just a drop in the ocean.

Published Date
June 21, 2018
Inbound Logistics

For most companies, sustainability is not a case of "profit vs. planet" but a more subtle issue of people looking for jobs and inexpensive goods versus others who seek a pristine environment. Here's how your supply chain can satisfy these conflicting motivations to achieve both economic growth and environmental sustainability.  

MIT Sloan Management Review
Edition and Date

October 30, 2018

How much can we expect business to lead on sustainability? What should be a company’s biggest priority: serving its shareholders, providing jobs, or addressing the health of our planet?

This on-demand recording from our live event on MIT’s campus brings together two leading voices in the sustainability debate to answer these questions. Watch MIT’s Yossi Sheffi and sustainability expert and author Andrew Winston debate and discuss the role of for-profit businesses in supporting — and investing in — sustainability goals.

Published Date
October 29, 2018
Project Syndicate

There are only two ways for the world to avoid what most scientists refer to as disastrous global warming. One way is to stop economic growth, which would be immoral, while the other would require us to deploy our greatest natural resource.