Supply Chain Environmental Sustainability

Published Date
October 29, 2018
Project Syndicate

There are only two ways for the world to avoid what most scientists refer to as disastrous global warming. One way is to stop economic growth, which would be immoral, while the other would require us to deploy our greatest natural resource.

Leaders in Supply Chain and Logistics
Edition and Date

October 2, 2018

‘Sustainability’ is not an easy topic to discuss when most companies have a ‘profit first’ or ‘profit only’ mentality. Professor Yossi Sheffi of MIT, Director of the MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics, highlighting issues that company executives face regarding sustainability practices. 

The Guardian
Edition and Date

September 7, 2018

Warren Buffett said, “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.” It has been more than two decades now since a 1996 issue of Life magazine depicted a Pakistani boy sewing a Nike soccer ball, reportedly for six cents per hour. After the story, the company lost more than half its market capitalisation in just one year – it took Nike six years of demonstrated social responsibility to recuperate.

Published Date
September 07, 2018
The Guardian

Warren Buffett said, “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.” It has been more than two decades now since a 1996 issue of Life magazine depicted a Pakistani boy sewing a Nike soccer ball, reportedly for six cents per hour. After the story, the company lost more than half its market capitalisation in just one year – it took Nike six years of demonstrated social responsibility to recuperate.

Edition and Date

August 21, 2018

Eliminating straws from restaurants and coffee shops may provide a positive environmental message, Mr. Sheffi writes, sends a “feel good” message to consumers while sidestepping bigger actions that would have a more significant environmental impact.

The Wall Street Journal
Edition and Date

July 31, 2018

Levi Strauss & Co. is launching an effort to slash the environmental impact of the factories world-wide that make its apparel and accessories. Levi’s will start its effort to cut greenhouse gas emissions through energy-efficiency programs at factories run by vendors in the first tier of its supply chain. 

Professor Yossi Sheffi talks to The Wall Street Journal about Levi's new plan for their global supply chain emissions. 

Industry Week
Edition and Date

July 29, 2018

For a long time now, corporations and their supply chains have been required to prove that they are acting in a sustainable, environmentally-friendly way. 

(Also published in Materials Handling & Logistics)

Material Handling & Logistics
Edition and Date

July 29, 2018

For a long time now, corporations and their supply chains have been required to prove that they are acting in a sustainable, environmentally-friendly way. 

Professor Yossi Sheffi weighs in on sustainability. 

CSCMP Supply Chain Quarterly
Edition and Date

Quarter 2 - 2018 Issue

It can be hard to find a nuanced discussion of corporate sustainability. But Yossi Sheffi's new book aims to provide just that, offering a clear-eyed take on the challenges and benefits of going green. {Also published in the DC Velocity}

UPS Longitudes
Edition and Date

July 19, 2018

This article was written by Professor Yossi Sheffi and originally was published as a LinkedIn blogpost.