Past Appearances


Event Start
June 09, 2020
UBS Conference

Virtual Event 

Event Start
June 04, 2020
Zaragoza Logistics Center

Virtual Event - Zaragoza, Spain

Event Start
May 25, 2020
European Petrochemical Association

Virtual Event

This interview is featured in the Supply Chain and Logistics section of EPCA Q2 Newsletter, published in July 2020. 

Event Start
May 14, 2020
Hong Kong Association of New York

Virtual Event

COVID-19 has been suppressing the global economy for more than a quarter of 2020. The supply chain industry is one of the business sectors that have suffered the hardest blows by the pandemic. How will the come-back be like? What should we need to know to prepare the best for the new normal? (Hong Kong Association of New York).

Event Start
May 07, 2020
Northwestern University

Virtual Event

Event Start
May 06, 2020
Bio Supply Alliance

Virtual Event

The panel of experts will address the formidable challenges being faced to ensure continuity and resiliency of supply and delivery of patient care. The panelists will provide suggestions on how to mitigate severe disruptions and save human lives now and in the future.

Event Start
April 28, 2020
MIT CTL: Crossroads 2020

Virtual Event

The year 2020 was less than a month old when the coronavirus outbreak erupted in China. The crisis provides a stark reminder of the uncertainties that supply chains face today – and throughout the new decade. The Crossroads 2020 one-day conference, hosted by MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics, will explore these uncertainties, as well as measures that companies can take to prepare for them. 

{Link brings you to Professor Sheffi's talk during Crossroads, not the entire recorded event}

Event Start
April 23, 2020
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Virtual Event

The COVID-19 crisis is a blunt reminder of the fragility of some of our most basic human-made systems, including industrial networks, health systems, financial markets, and political systems. This roundtable will feature a keynote by Congressman David Cicilline followed by three provocative panel discussions. The immediate goal of the conference is to ask: Why did so many cross-border production systems fail during the COVID-19 pandemic? What role does competition policy play in determining the resiliency of industrial structures?

Event Start
April 02, 2020
MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics

Virtual Event

This talk featured Professor Yossi Sheffi, Director of the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics. Professor Sheffi gave a short brief on the current impact of COVID-19 on the supply chain followed by open discussion with CTL partners.

Event Start
March 27, 2020

Live Event

MIT Professor Yossi Sheffi speaks with Bloomberg's Scarlet Fu and Romaine Bostick on the collapse of the food supply chain from the coronavirus (Source: Bloomberg)